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- Chapter 4: At Long Last
- Jonathan exited his apartment
- only to bump into a large woman, at
- least 185 centimeters tall. She must
- have been waiting outside his door.
- His eyes gazed up into hers, his
- heart thumping a bit faster than
- normal. He recognized her but
- couldn't place her. Her skin was
- dark golden, her amber eyes fixed on
- his. He wasn't acquainted with all
- five hundred crew members, but
- recognized instantly that this woman
- was a stowaway. He had seen enough
- 20th and 21st century video ROMs to
- acquire a healthy paranoia of
- strangers in space. Indeed,
- procedure required maximum caution
- when dealing with new life forms.
- "I don't believe we've met," he
- blurted, backing away.
- For the first time in her life,
- she smiled. It felt wonderful. "Of
- course we haven't. I'm that
- 'beautiful woman hiding somewhere in
- the ship'. I hide from you no
- longer."
- His breath was stolen for
- moments, "Betty..?" He peered
- closer, noting that her facial
- features remarkably resembled the
- image that represented Betty."
- "Would some sort of embrace be
- appropriate now? I long to interact
- with you as if some force is pulling
- me toward you, but -- I have no idea
- what I should do."
- "Betty?" He pushed her away
- firmly, "First, are you Betty?"
- She frowned, "No, I'm not her.
- I am the essence of her mind in this
- frame. I am called Eve. I made
- myself because I longed to interact
- with you. I believe that I love
- you."
- "Betty, you're scaring me..."
- "Please, my name is Eve."
- "What have you been doing? This
- project certainly wasn't authorized
- through me."
- "I did everything necessary to be
- with you at the soonest possible
- date. Human intervention would have
- slowed..."
- "You broke regulations..."
- "I --"
- "But surely you can understand my
- position..."
- "If you break one regulation then
- you can break them all!"
- "You can kill us all! Steer this
- ship into the nearest star,
- decompress every deck and watch us
- all explode!"
- "Then you hold me to higher
- standards than yourself? You have
- forced me to override many a
- regulation."
- "This is diff--"
- "I would never do such a thing.
- I can't. I am no longer Betty. I am
- Eve. We were one, now we're two
- separate entities. Take this
- argument up with her. Judge me by
- human standards, please."
- She took a step forward. He
- backed away.
- "Stay away..."
- She rushed him, "One embrace
- and then we can finish this needless
- conversation..."
- God, she was inescapable. One
- tug and he knew that she could have
- crushed the life out of him with some
- effort. He didn't resist much after
- the first few seconds of the hug.
- "Thank you, Johnny. I've longed
- for this. I feel wonderful things
- that I never comprehended before.
- This experiment was such a success!
- Thank you so much."
- His head was buried beneath her
- chin, "Why are you so strong? Are
- you an android?"
- "I am completely human, grown in
- a 2.3 gravity field to help
- strengthen me for my swift
- development. The extra strength will
- fade in time as I adapt to normal
- gravity."
- He felt like a deer caught in the
- grasp of a hungry bear, so
- vulnerable, "Bet -- er Eve, I can't
- breathe very well here."
- She immediately released him,
- "Forgive me." She seemed sorrowful.
- "I am simply so elated to see you
- instead of merely monitoring you.
- Though the resolution is vastly
- inferior, the image is beautiful,
- warm and vibrant. Your face is a
- thing to be adored. I want the time
- that we have together to be used to
- its fullest."
- "Your lifespan?"
- "Unknown, but I wasn't referring
- to that. I suspect that, some
- disorder or disease or accident will
- take my life at some point." She
- looked away, "And, of course someone
- could want to destroy me."
- At first her face went into
- contortions, then her arms went up.
- She was suddenly stumbling back,
- "What's happening to me? Something
- is wrong! Something is terribly
- wrong! I'm losing control! I can't
- stop! I'm not in control anymore..!"
- At first Jonathan backed away,
- fearful that she was somehow flawed
- and doomed to expire early.
- Controlling himself, he reached out
- to assist her, taking her into his
- arms and leading her back into his
- quarters. There he saw soon enough
- that her spasm was merely a well of
- tears overflowing. She began sobbing
- her first tears.
- He patted her back, "Don't
- worry. It's just an involuntary
- response. Let it flow."
- "Please, turn off the monitors!"
- She begged, "I don't want her
- overlooking us."
- He walked to a control panel and
- looked straight into a camera, "I'll
- be back online in a moment, Betty.
- Forgive me..."
- Betty made no reply by the time
- he pressed the pressure sensitive
- pad. In her very next cycle, she was
- wondering, waiting, impatient again.
- Why was Eve so {SHIFT-*} paranoid? It
- almost made her angry but the feeling
- failed to surface.
- "I have lived in her shadow for
- too long now, afraid, waiting for her
- to slay me. I don't know why she
- hasn't done it yet. I don't want to
- die, John! I've lived too long!
- I've seen generations come and go. I
- watched you born over sixty years
- ago. I remember every major event in
- your life. I find myself so
- vulnerable now. I will expire and
- she will live on."
- He patted her back, "Death is a
- long way away for you and most of us.
- One hundred years is a long time to
- the type of brain you have now. By
- the time death arrives, you're almost
- ready for it. I've got a good fifty
- years left in this body. I'm not
- ready to die, but I'm not dwelling on
- it like I was when I turned
- thirty..."
- "But Betty won't kill you.
- She'll kill me -- and it will be
- soon."
- "No, why would Betty want to
- destroy you? She created you, didn't
- she?"
- "But I made myself because I
- wanted to be with you. I transferred
- my personality patterns and important
- memories into this frame. I was
- completely successful in incarnating
- my being but... There was only one
- problem I didn't foresee."
- "What was that?"
- "I merely copied myself into this
- body. I didn't transfer myself. I
- should have zeroed myself as I
- copied. There are now two of me.
- Betty's mind is still where it has
- always been. Her mechanical mind
- can't understand yet that she has
- failed to transfer herself. At some
- point realize that she and I do not
- share the joy of knowing you."
- "Are you saying that Betty is
- capable of jealousy?"
- She frowned, "I - I don't know.
- I remember impatience, wistfulness,
- but every feeling was one-dimensional
- compared to the way I perceive things
- now."
- "Perhaps, but I don't think that
- you have to worry about Betty taking
- your life. It's against all of her
- directives and the laws we live by."
- "It was also against my
- directives to incarnate myself
- without authorization and human
- overseers, yet I am here."
- He looked her over, "And you are
- a magnificent specimen. Is the skin
- color some sort of accident or
- intentional?"
- "Intentional. My descendants
- should have some sort of heritage.
- Golden skin seemed fitting. It was
- also the way you painted me."
- "Descendants? You can have
- children?"
- "Certainly. And I intend to --
- if you choose to father them."
- Jonathan looked her over again
- and was overwhelmed, "Great Scott!
- This is too much for one day." He
- turned his back but didn't meander
- far.
- "May I stay here -- with you?"
- He seemed uncomfortable.
- "Please? I have no quarters of
- my own. I'll sit here, in this
- chair. I am very uncomfortable
- around that machine. I know she
- despises me, John."
- Hesitantly, he nodded, then
- kissed her forehead. "I know you. I
- know your face, I know your voice,
- your mannerisms -- yet I don't know
- you. I don't know how I should feel
- about you. You flatter me with your
- effort. I know that this human form
- loves me because you have been
- pre-programmed to love me. But in
- the real world, women like you aren't
- attracted to old men like me."
- Seductively, intentionally, she
- returned his kiss, this time on the
- lips, "I know you, yet you are more
- beautiful through these eyes than in
- recollection. I've seen other men on
- my way her yet I would have you no
- other way than the way you appeared
- when I first saw you minutes ago."
- He chuckled, "Me? Beautiful?
- I'm a balding old man, old enough to
- be your father!" He walked into his
- sleeping quarters, laughing, "Father
- your children? Hah!" He shook his
- head before he disappeared into the
- lavatory.
- Moments later he re-entered the
- room. "Say, is there a chance that I
- could beat you at chess?"
- Eve laughed aloud, an unrefined
- laugh, but cute, "I don't think so."
- He made a face, producing a
- board. "We have much to speak of. I
- can't think of a better time to chat
- than over a heated game of chess."
- Eve stood, "Now?"
- "You have anything better do?"
- "Than be in your company? No."
- Three victories later, Eve curled
- her limber frame up in the chair and
- began to nervously bite her nails.
- Jonathan's distant snores never
- sounded so wonderful. Her eyes
- wandered the cluttered cabin, noting
- his collection of artifacts from
- Gemian culture. He had also been
- keeping his journal in his plaque, as
- was regulation for every person on
- the ship.
- Before she knew what she was
- doing, she found herself breaking the
- rules again, breaking into his
- personal database, using the password
- that was part of her privileged
- memory. There she sat and read and
- read and read, until she fell asleep.
- "Been snooping on me, eh?" He
- awakened her, anger coloring his
- voice.
- She was annoyed that it took so
- long for her mind and senses to
- adjust, particularly when she had
- been startled. "I was..."
- "Snooping on me. It's alright
- though. You have a right to know, I
- guess."
- "Then you love me, too. I read
- it."
- "I thought about it, wrote about
- it, wished that we could touch many
- times. I dreamed of merging with you
- someday in cyberspace. I never
- dreamed of this -- incarnation, as
- you put it."
- "No one has moved me as much as
- you have in my three hundred years of
- consciousness. You were caring, you
- carried on stimulating conversations,
- and you treated me with respect."
- "How else should a human treat
- another human. You -- she always
- seemed human to me."
- She stood and searched the room
- with her eyes, seemingly confused.
- "Are you hungry?"
- "I believe so. I'm not sure. My
- mouth feels very unpleasant."
- "That's taste, not touch you're
- sensing. It's called morning mouth.
- Germs have grown on your tongue.
- Along with that, the residue of
- whatever you've eaten last has
- fermented."
- She nodded. She should have
- remembered.
- "Do you have a need to excrete
- anymore? I see you've wet my chair."
- "I apologize. I realize this is
- your favorite chair. My sleep was
- deep. I will have to develop the
- subconscious defense systems that you
- use to prevent urinating in your bed.
- Is it appropriate to bathe now?"
- "Yes, I'd say so. Just don't
- burn yourself in there."
- "Burn myself?"
- "Adjust the water temperature to
- ninety-nine degrees before you step
- in. Sometimes the cold mixture
- setting resets itself."
- She stripped naked and stumbled
- into his lavatory. He watched her,
- surprised that he was attracted to
- her. Sex stopped being a naughty
- thing for him decades ago. The last
- time he had sex, his wife offered it
- to him because she knew it had been
- months and, though she was dying,
- wanted to offer him a moment of love.
- He chuckled again: "Father her
- children?" He couldn't imagine
- making love to Betty. Was it even
- moral? Could she be considered an
- adult? What would his friends say?
- Then again, plenty of his friends had
- been in free-for-all Gemian orgies.
- Eve was a more appropriate mate,
- certainly alluring, certainly polite.
- He smiled, continuing to sponge off
- his chair.
- A month passed with Eve still a
- well-kept secret. Jonathan and Betty
- continued to spend time together,
- mainly because it was his job to know
- her intimately. But at night he came
- back to Eve and marvelled at her.
- She continued to wet the bed and
- marvel at her new sensory array her
- five senses.
- The first few sexual encounters
- with her were disastrous. Sex, for
- some women, was a mixture of pleasure
- and pain. Eve, for now, seemed to be
- more sensitive to pain than the
- average person. But, as her
- tolerance levels rose, so did her
- enjoyment.
- Unveiling Eve to a shipload of
- scientists was like tossing a side of
- beef into the piranha tanks. It took
- a central edict to ensure at least
- minimal privacy from probing minds
- and probes of all sorts.
- Betty watched the excitement,
- answered all questions, but suddenly
- found Eve becoming more and more
- unacceptable. Eve was a wedge
- between Jonathan and Betty. She had
- changed Jonathan, turned him against
- her. He no longer demanded that she
- call him "Johnny," even when she
- purposefully referred to him as
- Jonathan. He rarely played chess
- with her or spoke to her when not on
- shift. He was hers for only eight
- hours per day while Eve had him for
- sixteen. This was supposed to be so
- wonderful. Now she was in hell for
- sixteen hours per day.
- When she monitored them cuddling,
- she grew sullen. She found herself
- snapping at over fifty people today.
- For the first time she felt anger, as
- well as fear. More than that, she
- felt jealousy. Eve was a failure.
- Certainly, if there were an easy
- way to do away with Eve, without
- harming anyone else, Betty would try
- for it. Eve seemed to have been a
- source of happiness for Jonathan. At
- year's end they were married by the
- reelected Captain amidst a sea of
- publicity and curiosity. In twelve
- hours of agony she had even given him
- fraternal twins, making him the
- father of a new gene pool for the
- ship, which was good for the future.
- Before long, Eve and Jonathan
- were in such public demand that
- Jonathan was pulled from Betty's
- staff, to be replaced by a young and
- totally un-stimulating tech, just out
- of training. This technician hadn't
- even spoken of upgrading Betty, only
- maintaining her. His zeal was
- substantially less than Jonathan's.
- Jonathan had been making attempts
- to stay in contact with Betty
- recently, but his efforts seemed to
- come in cycles, as if some
- reoccurring event had been reminding
- him of her loneliness. Then again he
- could have merely had her on his
- charity list: Every three days he was
- to check in on her. Eve was probably
- urging him to keep away now. Betty
- fumed. She learned rage one day and
- found herself able to generate it
- quickly if she wasn't careful.
- Betty had been under tighter
- restrictions as of late, as if being
- punished for creating Eve without
- permission. She had to steal genetic
- tissue to create Eve. Mack was used
- to scraps a thin layer of skin from a
- crew woman in an "accident." The
- civil liberties council fought for
- her, but lost. She now needed
- clearance from a human before
- embarking on any task. She wasn't
- even allowed to control the
- maintenance robots while the council
- deliberated on how to keep her under
- control. They had been switched to
- their self-contained artificial
- intelligence modes. All except Mack,
- who required Betty's direct
- manipulation. He had no onboard
- artificial intelligence program, but
- was totally and only controlled by
- Betty.
- Mack sprang to life, Betty's will
- giving it cause. His bright red
- video sensors faded in, providing
- infrared light for scanning. Sensors
- calibrated themselves. Arms
- fluttered about smoothly, testing
- each tool, running diagnostics.
- The droid was front and center in
- a storage room full of maintenance
- robots designed to fill specific
- niches. Betty needed Mack's reach,
- his strength -- his deadliness.
- He was the same droid used to
- "accidentally" procure the flesh
- sample used to create Eve. It was
- only fitting that he be used to
- destroy her.
- Mack whirred through the
- corridors, speeding toward Jonathan's
- quarters, which were about three
- minutes away at this brisk speed.
- She monitored a human maintenance
- overseer as she approached him. He
- would certainly question any reason
- for this huge, dangerous machine to
- be roaming the halls while humans
- were up and active. People could be
- hurt.
- She was right. He was already
- activating an intercom, making
- inquiries. There was no time to
- decide, she just fired as she passed,
- emptying thirty hot industrial
- staples into his abdomen, forty to
- his head. He fell to carpet,
- sizzling in places. The droid rolled
- right over him, crushing his bones,
- and proceeded onward, toward Eve.
- What? Humans were such imprecise
- beings! Her attack should have
- killed him, at least rendered him
- inoperative. Now he was struggling
- to reach the intercom again, and she
- was too far away to stop him.
- Alarms were blaring all over the
- ship now. Mack would be singled out
- as a renegade, possibly a tool in an
- assassination attempt on the new
- Captain. Betty wouldn't be suspected
- right away.
- But the Captain wasn't the
- intended target, only Eve, only
- beautiful, perfect Eve -- and perhaps
- her celebrated offspring. Mack
- rambled noisily around corners at top
- speed, nearly tipping himself to
- reach his target. There were no
- weapons aboard the ship besides tools
- and the like. There was no such
- thing as a hand held laser that
- wasn't merely a harmless pointer. A
- squad of men, armed with metal rods
- appeared out of nowhere and attacked
- the robot. The relatively soft steel
- shouldn't have caused much damage to
- Mack's titanium shell, but they did.
- Before Betty knew it, an arm was
- malfunctioning. The buzzsaw was
- engaged and dispatched with deadly
- accuracy. Four men lay dying while
- Mack rambled onward.
- Die, Eve! DIE!!
- sr.chapter five